Android 5.0 Lollipop vs. Apple iOS 8 – Google and Apple go Head-to-Head

The smartphone technology has taken the world by storm and almost everyone across the globe is embracing this technology with companies taking advantage of the market with some amazing products, both in the lower end and upper end of the economic spectrum.

Apple’s iOS is a pioneer operating system in the smartphone niche. However, it did not take long before the company received what has become to be an arch rival in this niche – Android OS. This Google-based operating system has ensured that a fierce battle remains between Google and Apple over which mobile phone operating system developer is the best.

Each one of the two companies is always working hard to outshine each other with some amazing releases in their OS platforms. With such a competitive mobile environment that includes other players like Windows Phone, BlackBerry and Bada, it is very important to stay innovative, a feat that Apple has been exceptional at achieving. Android, on the other hand, has also been swift at reinventions and innovation is knocking at its door like nothing else, at the moment.

Apple recently launched their flagship smartphone models in the shape of the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. These two models come with the latest operating system from Apple, which is the iOS 8. When the two were released towards the end of last year, they saw immediate success among the lovers of Apple devices and this factor has left so many Android users confused. Maybe this furiousness amongst the users of Android devices can be driven by the belief that their Android-based devices are far much superior to what Apple touted as their top models for the year ending December 31st 2014.

So, which of these two operating systems: Apple’s iOS 8 and Google-based Android 5.0 Lollipop, is the best for using on a smartphone?

Android 5.0 Lollipop is less memory efficient than Apple’s iOS 8

Many users of Android devices have claimed that the new iPhone 6 models are not the best models there is in the current smartphone market. One area many have noted where top flagships in Android beat the top flagship for Apple is the RAM capacity. While the new iPhone 6 models are equipped with a RAM capacity of just 1 GB, you’ll find the top models in the Android niche like Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note 4 and HTC One M8 with superior RAM capacities that range from 2 GB to 3 GB.

It is very easy to say that the users of Android devices are ignorant of the fact that these devices are not just about the specs they are equipped with, it’s more to do with the operating system they come with. A quick analysis of the two operating systems reveals that the Android 5.0 Lollipop is a poor memory manager when compared to iOS 8, a factor that very many Android users are missing.

Android 5.0 Lollipop consumes more memory and power

As you may have noticed, it is very easy to judge the iPhone 6 models as poor or inferior, based on the capacity of RAM it has. This is because it can also be very easy to judge that a device with a RAM capacity of 1GB is definitely slower than a device running on 2 GB or 3 GB of RAM.

This is not the case with the two operating systems included in the loop as the efficiency brought into play by the iOS 8 is far much better and it is nothing similar to what users of Android 5.0 Lollipop get. This is because the new Android Lollipop mobile OS makes use of mobile applications in a totally different way when compared to iOS 8, something that makes it consume more power and use up more memory as well.


Apple’s iOS 8 and Google’s Android 5.0 Lollipop remain to be the latest operating systems in the mobile phone niche and with these two OS, users will be treated to some amazing features as well as performances they have never experienced in past versions of the OS. However, it is clear that the iOS 8 users have an edge over the Android Lollipop users when it comes to performance, efficiency and memory management.


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