50 failed Google products from best to worst
Google services and products have enriched the lives of tech fans, businesspeople, and basically anyone who’s ever been curious enough to ask a question on the internet. We all know about Search , Gmail , Maps , Chrome , YouTube , and, of course, Android . We’ve recently seen new names added to the Google hall of fame too — most notably the Pixel smartphone brand and Google Assistant -powered Home smart devices. Google in 2019: All in on AI What about Google’s epic fails? For all the Mountain View company’s many, many successes, a bunch of apps, devices, and other products it birthed or acquired ultimately floundered and died, often killed in unceremonious fashion. Websites like Google Cemetery and Killed by Google (as well as Ars Technica ‘s Google Kills Product series) are dedicated to tracking the big G’s dead products, so we thought it’d be fun to sift through the corpse...